Thursday, February 16, 2012

Happy (Belated) Valentine's Day!

My husband's Facebook status: "Please be aware....using the abbreviation VD for Valentines Day is probably not a good idea. People will laugh at you."

Hope you all had a great VD!

Jay got me roses and chocolate covered strawberries. It was all wonderful. I got him the yard mowed (well not yet, but it's a long story... well, I guess it's not that long... it's rained a lot).  Allllsooo... I made us this Hint Box!
I got this idea from The Dating Divas. Obviously theirs is cuter, but I'm pretty proud of myself for mixing patterns! I was going to go to Hobby Lobby and buy a paper box like they did, but I remembered I box from Ikea a while ago. Who knew you also had to assemble a cardboard box?! Oh, Ikea.
Here's the idea if you didn't click on the link... you put ideas in the box for things you want... big, medium, small, tangible, etc. I put "Cherry Coke and/or Milky Way, bedroom furniture," etc.

We'll see if Jay ever puts anything into the box, but hey, I may get something out of the deal ;)

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