Friday, November 05, 2010

9-Day Challenge

People may call me crazy, but at the end of a work day I think I look like a sick raccoon. My mascara has created grey circles under my eyes. My once dark brown eye shadow is now a pale tan. My foundation has worn off so you can see every broken capillary (thank you, Rehorovic side of my family). And you thought I was pale with makeup on?! You should see me at the end of the day!
Why does all of that matter? Well… 1. I feel sorry for my co-workers and the grocery store employees at the Kroger on my way home; 2. My husband shouldn’t have to come home to that (which make me rethink my “wash face as soon as I get home” plan); 3. I don’t like it.
Game plan: I’m going to try 9 different looks (I’m taking off one day so clean before my mom comes to town!). Charlie is going to take my picture every morning when he gets to work and before we leave for the day. I’ll form my own opinions, but you’re more than welcomed to comment.
This will be hard for me for several reasons. But a blog topic is a blog topic!
I guess we’ll see what I look like on Monday!

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