Friday, March 25, 2011

FBFF - Fashion Beauty Friend Friday

1. Do you think there is an incompatibility between feminism and a love for fashion?
When I see a woman with a fantastic pencil skirt, blouse, and killer heels… I see a strong, confident woman. I also don’t see fashion as something frilly and silly. For instance, I don’t think girls who are obsessed with [trying to think of something that wouldn’t offend too many people] Hello Kitty and miniskirts aren’t into fashion. Fashion is Michael Kors, Dolce & Gabana, Dior - something that exudes power and strength. Men who love fashion aren’t considered feminists, are they?

2. There is more to each of us than a love for fashion, how do you incorporate every aspect of yourself into your blog?
Although I’ve yet to do a “fashion” post, and although my blog is relatively new, I think my true personality shines through in the topics I chose to write about. I don’t like to cook, so I’m going to pretend I went to this wonderful cooking class at Central Market.

3. With the fashion industry still being a male-dominated profession, how do you think it would differ if women played a larger role?
Maybe there would be less sex appeal? I love men’s designs. My favorite is Ralph Lauren. And the only women designers I can think of are too weird for me – Stella McCartney i.e. I’ll probably be purchasing some Heidi Klum maternity clothes soon, but other than that, I think I prefer men designers.

4. How is your self-image and the way you carry yourself informed by your beliefs?
Informed? Unfortunately, I don’t think my beliefs match the way I carry myself or my self-image. I believe God has made us individuals for a reason. I know something of the things I think he has “plagued” me with are probably for my benefit. But I forget this often. It’s more of something I remind myself of when I get down, not something that keeps me up.

5. Do you think clothing/makeup/hair helps communicate the truth about yourself or are those things superfluous add-ons?
I am an avid watcher of What Not to Wear and this is their biggest message. It takes a lot beyond first impression to change your opinion of someone. In the workplace (not my workplace because it’s very casual), if I see a sloppy dresser, I see a sloppy worker. Is this always the case? No. Especially with men. If I see someone on the street wearing “super cool” clothes, I’ll think they must have a “super cool” personality! Or whatever the case may be. Do I think I reflect my true self? Most of the time – classic, reliable, and not full of a lot surprises.... oh, and sleepy!


Linz said...

Great answers to the FBFF questions!

And you're right, your style is very classic...but you always effortlessly add an aspect of sex appeal as well, of which I'm jealous!

You definitely need more fashion posts!!

Tami said...

1. I think that in the last few years a bridge has begun between feminism and fashion. But there are still lots of bricks to lay.
2. I like that you are pretending to take a cooking class! Maybe we went together. hehe
3. I do love Ann Taylor. and Chanel.
4. I agree with your answer here. In your heart you know are an amazing woman of God. But your head doesn't always remember this. But your friends do!!
5.I miss WNTW. *sigh* and i don't think it's just the clothes that make that first impression so important but the additional confidence you excude.
and Linz...I agree. Even when she looks sleepy, she has gorgeous sleepy hair!
I am also very jealous of this.

Aunt Suzie said...

Is this our little Emily? All grown up!! Classy you are my dear! Love Aunt Suzie