Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I finally had a good baby dream last night/this morning!
Our baby was beautiful! Only a few days old, but had a head full of dark hair and big lips (like I did) and just gorgeous! And Jay carried it around in the front pocket of his sweatshirt. It was either swaddled or in Jay’s little “pouch” so I didn’t know if it was a boy or girl. But it made me feel better… Until I remembered I was watching TV last night and a Gerber commercial came on and I said I hope my baby is pretty enough to be a Gerber baby… so it looked very similar to this...

but a real baby… not drawn.

After that I had a dream that we had a cat (thank you, PW and Ethereal) that carried dead RATS into our house. And in the same dream (‘cause dreams are weird like that), I dreamt that we had a Bengal Tiger in the house. I called my mom into the bathroom as I was petting it and keeping it calm. She said, “Relax, I know what to do.” So she takes the tiger by the collar and shoves it through a vent in the wall. A minute later white Snow Tiger cubs try to come from out of the vent. They were precious but we obviously had enough cats in the house!
No, we don’t have cats but we do have two dogs. One of which shredded a stuffed toy and fluff is everywhere (hence the dead rats). The other one looked as if I had photoshopped it’s head onto the tiger’s body. And I’m assuming the cute little cubs trying to break through were because I’m pregnant?? Who knows, but I’m glad it was all a dream! Especially the rats part… I’d love to have a tiger!!

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