Thursday, October 07, 2010

Brown Thumb

I've never really had an interest in plants. What's the point? They don't have pretty flowers. But now that I'm an adult, I figure like everyone else, I should have a plant.

Two years ago, my dad's father passed away. My grandmother was literally overrun with plants and flowers so she handed me a Closet Plant to take home.

"Don't worry, they can survive almost anything. Just water it when you see the leaves start to droop," she instructed.

So I took the plant home and constantly watched it, waiting for the leaves to droop. Once they did, I'd fill up a cup of water and pour it into the basket.

Within two months, not only were the leaves drooping, but they were brown.

Oh well.... maybe I can keep an ivy alive. Yeah, that didn't work out too well either. Within five months, it was dead too. Sorry, Grandfather.

A couple of months ago, my husband and I bought a house. And as a housewarming gift my mom brought a Closet Plant... from my grandfather's funeral. How in the world?! It's been two years! I thought to myself, "maybe I just got a bad plant; I'll make sure this one survives."

Nope. I was wrong.

Leaves are brown.

But I found more detailed instructions online, so I haven't given up hope.


Tami said...

If it makes you feel any better, I was 30 before I could keep from killing plants! You've got plenty of time! :)

Linz said...

That poor plant.

I used to kill African violets, which people always said are really hard to kill. After killing several, I finally did some research and figured out I was supposed to water them from the tray at the bottom, not on the soil or leaves. Apparently the water directly on the leaves isn't good for them, go figure!