Wednesday, April 04, 2012

“And Now the Fun Begins”

"And now the fun begins." I didn’t know how true these sarcastic words from my father were when he said them two days ago. I am marking April 2 as the official day Ethan crawled. He has been scooting for a little while but he actually got his knees up. Now, he’s scooting more than crawling but it’s quick and with purpose. I can’t keep up with him.
No, he's not wearing a dress. His PJ's aren't snapped.

"Ellen" is on in the background, sorry!

I read somewhere that once babies learn something new their sleep patterns change. This is the biggest side effect of Ethan’s new development. He wakes up at least once a night and refuses to take naps now. Needless to say, I’m pleasant to be around! But his “standing” up in his crib is my biggest worry. He can easily pull himself to his knees but he’s afraid to let go so I am constantly rescuing him. Also, he tries to lift a foot to stand. This is all way too fast!!

1 comment:

Linz said...

Woah, that is super fast! I like that he lifts a leg to stand, that's very unique of him! :)